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PBS Series

Healthy Living to be Broadcast Nationwide on PBS
The eight-time Emmy-winning team of TVA Productions has joined with Healthy Living to produce a first-of-its-kind television series that will be distributed nationwide on PBS. The 14-part, half-hour series will feature topics that focus on the prevention of disease as opposed to treatment of diseased body parts. Join former news anchor and award-winning medical reporter, Teresa Tanoos, as she interviews a wide range of health and medical experts on the latest research on ways you can prevent disease and live healthier, longer, and better quality lives.

8/2/02    The executive producers of Healthy Living with Teresa Tanoos are currently accepting story ideas for the next episode of this exciting 14-part television series to be distributed nationwide on PBS. If you have a story or idea on some health topic that you feel may be of interest to our viewers, please contact our Senior Producer, Andrea Goodstein, at
8/5/02    Healthy Living With Teresa Tanoos Sponsorships available for Healthy Living with Teresa Tanoos TV series to be distributed nationwide. Sponsors will receive powerful brand-name exposure from distribution of the 14-part half-hour television series which will reach 75 million guaranteed households, businesses, and passengers via international and local cable, satellite, airlines and cruise lines. Additional exposure will be available through 60-second Healthy Living Reports that can be customized to individual sponsors for distribution via: News feed / Video News Release (VNR) Distribution to 1100 TV news rooms

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